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  • #358

    You have a wonderful product but I have a problem with the command line instructions.

    I am running Windows 10, version 21h2. RTSPPlayer doesn’t seem to have a version number, though its certificate says V2.
    The camera declares the following:

    device port 8000
    HTTP port 80
    rtsp port 554
    Friendly Name : EZVIZ CS-CV310-A0-1C2WFR – E62872135
    Serial No. :E62872135
    Current Version:V5.3.0 build 200307
    Encoding version V7.0 build 350812
    Network Status: Wireless
    Device name EZVIZ C3W
    HDD (Micro SD Card) 29.46 GB
    Device Verification Code: Label on Camera: EQUJPS

    The command line I am using is:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Rtsp Player\rtspplayer.exe” -a rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/live/ch0 admin pass ABCDE

    I have used this in both a batch file and in the desktop link. I have tried it in user mode and as administrator.

    The command starts the connection just fine but does not transfer the userid and password. Manually inputting each of those starts the stream just fine.

    1. Any idea how to automate the startup?

    2. Is there a way to run separate instances so that I can have more than one camera displaying at the same time?


    Can you try with the following command line:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Rtsp Player\rtspplayer.exe” -a “rtsp://user:[email protected]:554/live/ch0” admin ABCDE

    Let me know if this works.


    Works perfectly, yes. Thank you. Turns out the essential part was not the second set of quote marks, though they do no harm, but removal of the word pass between the userid and the password.

    Also, I got it to run displaying two different cameras simultaneously by changing the shortcut .lnk of the second camera to use a different ‘start in’ space. Just an empty folder next to the original.
    Now, both players start up displaying one atop the other in the center of the screen. Same size and relatively small. Now, I can drag them apart and manually resize them and I assume I could create an AutoHotkey to do that for me, but is there anything that I could do on the command line which would accomplish those things for me?

    Thanks again for this wonderful program.


    Good news that this works. At the moment, there’s no command line parameters for positioning. I think this should be a great feature for the next version.


    OK, thanks. I will work on the AutoHotkey solution in the meantime. It only needs to be run at system startup.


    Thought you might be interested. The AutoHotKey solution for what I needed turned out to be trivial.

    Run, “C:\Users\Public\Desktop\RTSP Player.lnk”
    WinWaitActive, RTSP Player
    Sleep, 1000
    Run, “C:\Users\pwright2\Desktop\RTSP Play2.lnk”
    Sleep, 1000
    WinWaitActive, RTSP Player
    WinSetTitle, RTSP Player, , RTSP-2 Player
    WinMove, RTSP Player, , 100, 50, 900, 600
    WinMove, RTSP-2 Player, , 1500, 50, 900, 600
    It starts the two players, changes the title of the top player (so that WinMove can tell them apart), moves and resizes one to the the left and the other to the right.

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