RTSP Player

The free and simple RTSP viewer for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Video Converter

Free and simple video file converter for Linux, Windows and MacOS.

Device Discovery

Discover IP devices on your network with our free scanning tool, compatible with MacOS, Linux and Windows operating systems.

Socket Tester

Free TCP/IP socket tester for MacOS, Linux and Windows.

Latest articles

  • RTSP Protocol Explained
    In the dynamic landscape of digital communication and video streaming, Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) plays an important role. Understanding its nuances and applications is crucial for anyone venturing into the field of real-time video transfer. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover the intricacies of RTSP, explore its features, and delve deeper into its applications…
  • OpenSSL 3 with QT 6 on Ubuntu
    Since version 6.5, Qt is now build with OpenSSL v3. Here’s is how you can compile and build your project by using OpenSSL 3 on Ubuntu. Downloading Run the Qt Maintenance tool and install the OpenSSL Toolkit: By default, the OpenSSL sources should be installed in ~/Qt/Tools/OpenSSLv3/src Compiling Once installed,…
  • x264 and FFMPEG compilation for Windows
    Compiling FFMPEG with x264 support on Windows requires additionnal steps. This article follows the previous article: How to compile FFMPEG for Windows 11, so make sure to follow the previous steps before continuing. NASM vs YASM I’m not totally sure why, but I haven’t been able to compile x264 with…
  • UPnP device discovery in C# using SSDP
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  • RTSP Player for Fedora
    We are pleased to announce that our RtspPlayer application is now compatible with Fedora! Thanks to this new version, Fedora users can now enjoy all the features of our RTSP player. If you are a Fedora user, you can now download the latest version of RtspPlayer from our website and start watching your favorite RTSP…
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  • Disable Direct3D for Qt6 and QML
    With Qt6, your QML application display may not work on Windows. With Qt6, Direct3D graphics acceleration is used by default to display the GUI. On the other hand, it is possible that your video card is not working well. Also, this problem is often visible when the application is running in a VM…
  • How to compile FFMPEG for Windows 11
    Compiling FFMPEG on Windows 11 may seem daunting, but it’s actually quite simple if you follow the proper steps. Here’s how: Prerequisites Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. You can download the latest version of Visual Studio from the Microsoft website. Download and install MSYS2: https://www.msys2.org/ Once the installation is complete, an MSYS2 console…