2 sujets de 1 à 2 (sur un total de 2)
  • Auteur
  • #383
    Michelle Lebb

    Can you please help me out with setting up my RTSP player to
    automatically play a stream when opening the application? I attempted
    to enter the command line arguments listed on your website into the
    address bar in the application however I didn’t have any luck.


    Maître des clés


    The command line parameters cannot be typed in the application address bar. They must be used when invoking the application from the command line, a shortcut, or from a batch file.

    Are you using Windows? If so, you could create a shortcut of the application on your desktop, and modify the shortcut properties.

    In the target box, you could type the command line parameters. For example:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Rtsp Player\rtspplayer.exe” -a rtsp:// user pass

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